About ITC (International Trade Centre - UNCTAD / WTO)
The International Trade Centre (ITC) is the technical cooperation agency of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). ITC has introduced the MLS (Modular Learning System) as an effective tool for quality training in International Purchasing and Supply Chain management.

Course Objective
These user-friendly, practical and effective training modules help you to take advantage of new opportunities, reduce total purchasing and supply costs and make optimum use of available resources. They give you the tools and techniques needed to develop innovative new approaches to supply chain management and excel in an environment of global competition.

These programmes help you to make an immediate and substantial contribution to

your company's profitability.

Special features
The Modular Learning System comprises of 12 Core Modules and various Supplementary Modules (four at present) and covers all key aspects of purchasing and supply chain management. IIMM trainers and consultants recognized by ITC guide you and ensure that you get the best possible knowledge in the area. On completion of the corresponding exams and other requirements you qualify for the International Certificate, Advanced Certificate or Diploma in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. These new professional qualifications are accredited by ITC and by the participating network of institutions worldwide. Joining this programme will make you a member of the International PSCM Learning Network, with access to its supporting website. This will let you keep track of your progress, view the MLS-related training resource materials that your local training institutions can offer to you, and follow the worldwide network's training news.
These programmes are aimed at present and future managers and specialists responsible for purchasing and supply chain management, particularly in private enterprises ranging from large corporations to Small and Medium Enterprises.

Eligibility Criteria

Educational  - To qualify for these professional qualifications, you must have a university degree and proficiency in English and at least two years working experience in purchasing & supply.

Normal duration of the course is 18 months; however since this is a modular course specially designed for working professionals, the candidates can complete the modules at their own pace. The examinations for all the modules will be held in March and September every year. Certificate and Diploma will be awarded by ITC on successful completion of requirements.


Course Content
To obtain the first level Certificate, you must complete and take exams covering six of the modules. If you prefer to go for the Advanced Certificate, you must complete and take exams for all twelve core modules. To obtain the Diploma, you must not only complete the twelve core modules, but also three supplementary modules and an assignment report of 8,000-10,000 words.


Examinations will be conducted in March and September every year as per the International schedule declared by ITC. Examinations (written) will be of 2 hours duration per module and 3 module exams per day. Presently the examinations are conducted in three centers Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore. More centers will be considered depending on the number of registrations received.

IIMM Membership
It is mandatory for all students who enroll for this course to become member of IIMM at the nearest IIMM branch.

Training Methodology
The course will be conducted by correspondence. IIMM has specially trained faculty recognized by ITC to undertake and conduct the training in MLS modules. Colour course books developed by ITC will be supplied to the students. Mid term assignments will be sent in each module which will be evaluated by the concerned faculty. The students can interact with faculty by e-mail or during contact classes arranged at IIMM branches.

The students are required to register on ITC web-site and receive updates and guidelines for the successful completion of the course. The examination results and any related information will be available on the IPSCM-LEARNINGNET web site.


After enrolment with IIMM for the IPSCM course the student must visit the above web-site and open REGISTRATION ON THE LEARNING NET

  • Candidiates are those who have been accepted by IIMM to take exams under the Professional Certification Programme in IPSCM, IIMM has registered on LearningNet as Authorised Examination Body (AEB) Under the Name IIMMNHQ.
  • Please do not register more than once. If you are already registered (even if your profile is not complete), then enter this website by typing your username and password in the login box. If you have forgotten these, please click on Forgot Username or password in the login box.
  • All important details in the Candidate Registration form need to be completed such as :
  • Full Name
  • Birth country:
  • Birth Date:
  • Current nationality:
  • Identification document type: *(Indicate TYPE of document, e.g. pasport, National ID Card etc. , NOT the number
  • Identification document No. : *
  • Please upload copy of your CV and ID photograph.
  • Your CRN (Candidate Registration Number) with username and password may be noted.
  • Please send CRN and IDENTIFICATION DETAILS to AEB if not provided with the registration.
  • Your registration will be submitted by the website to IIMM for approval.

NB Please make it a practice to visit the website from time to time to get the latest updated information regarding IPSCM course, examination schedules guidelines etc.

Date of Commencement

Candidates may join the course at any time during the year. Candidates who wish to appear for the examination must register at least 60 days prior to the examination date.

How to apply

The registration for the course is open at any time of the year to applicants fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned above.

The applicants are required to complete the form at the end of the prospectus** with enclosures and the registration and course fee.

Registration for individual module exams

The participants of training programs can register for appearing in the module examinations by completing the application form given in the prospectus and sending the same to NHQ with the registration fee of Rs 500 and a course fee of Rs 1000 for the module.
(It is assumed that they have obtained the course book and required training during the training programme).

Mode of Payment

All payments will be made by D. D. only in favour of IIMM NHQ Collection Account payable in Mumbai. Payment can also be made at any ICICI Bank branch directly to ICICI Bank Account No 015101027881at Vashi Branch, Navi Mumbai. In such case it is necessary to send us the original stamped counterfoil of the pay-in slip with the details of remittance.


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