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Postponement / Risk pooling in
Supply Chain
Product design often plays
an important role in supply chain management. Many products come
in different varieties – meeting global demand for variety by
holding multiple Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) of similar products
can require vast inventories.
By redesigning the product
so that more inventory can be held in a customizable, "lowest
common denominator" form, inventory can be reduced.
This powerful
supply chain management strategy is known as "postponement", or
"risk pooling"; postponement of the point of product
differentiation, or pooling of the risk of specific SKU forecast
A thorough study concluded that companies using postponement
strategies in their supply chains typically showed significant |
improvements in the
following performance measures :
The reason
sales (demand) forecasts become more accurate is that
postponement changes the entity to be forecasted, typically
from item-level (SKU-level) sales to aggregated quantities
such as sales by product family or group. Thus, while
forecast error at the SKU level may actually be unchanged,
there is a distinct benefit to postponement, since it is
virtually always true that forecasting aggregated quantities
(e.g., sales of a product family) is easier than forecasting
detailed quantities (e.g. SKU-level sales).
postponement, the new product design allows managers
to make decisions based on the more-accurate aggregate forecast
rather than less-accurate SKU-level forecasts. Inventory costs are lower because there are fewer overstocked
products, customer satisfaction is higher because there are
fewer stock-outs, and revenues are higher because there are
fewer lost sales.
However, the survey also showed that many firms have not yet
implemented postponement along with their supply chain
management initiatives.
The major stumbling blocks are :
Lack of
knowledge about benefits of postponement and costs
Belief that
their product or technology limits postponement
Organizational misalignment (silo thinking)
The first two stumbling blocks can be solved through a greater
understanding of postponement at all relevant levels of the
company, including finance, manufacturing, sales/marketing, and
engineering/design. Regarding organizational misalignment, we
have noted elsewhere in our modules that as management
the real benefits to postponement, the organizational structure
often becomes more accommodating to ensure success (this is true
for many cross-functional supply chain initiatives). In the best
cases, metrics, or performance measures, on which various
departments are evaluated would shift to reflect a more
cooperative environment; one in which corporate (and entire
supply chain) performance is paramount.
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